Basketball WA On-line Fuelling Champions Award (presented by Healthway)
The Online Fuelling Champions competition is launched in June, encouraging teams (Affiliated Association based affiliated BWA competitions) and Athletes (registered with BWA) to submit a one to two-minute video, showing their examples of healthy environments.
This could be sharing their favourite recipe, their pre, during and post-game meal and/or snack ideas or what their association has done towards understanding and supporting positive mental health.
One association and one individual will be awarded a prize each through the Fuelling Champions competition.
Associations or individuals submit via the ( Locker Room link - click here) a one-to-two-minute video, showing their examples of healthy environments to be eligible to win the prize.
Award Criteria
The nominees for the award have shown commitment to creating healthy environments in their Association and community through actions that align with at least one of the Healthway Priority areas.
Nominations Close 8 JULY 2024
Selection Process
Nominations are submitted through the BWA Locker Room website by the individual or Association. The Awards Panel chooses the Award recipient from the nominations received
Awarded through Fuelling Champions to the winning Affiliated Association
Awarded through Fuelling Champions to the winning individual